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Monday, October 4, 2010

Zero Logic

Ruling reversals are one of those things that should never have existed. In the past it was UDE's fault that the appropriate rulings were not carried over from the OCG, but now that Konami runs everything themselves there's really no one else too blame. Ideally they ought to have a section on their website dedicated to rulings for all cards so that players aren't forced to rely on Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia and the delayed e-mail system.

I only bring this issue up due to an issue that occurred at the World Championship this year. The following ruling (among others) was given out to judges during the event as a result of the Japanese EC 2010 Head Judge noticing that we're ruling stuff differently from the way the OCG would rule them.

Previously in the TCG it was ruled that if two monsters in Attack Position with zero ATK battle each other, both of them would be destroyed.
- 0 ATK vs 0 ATK
If two monsters in Attack Position with zero ATK battle each other, none of them are destroyed.
While the matter may seemed to have been resolved, things are never so simple. Julia Hedberg, whom some of you may recognize as the head of the Judge Program, issued this statement on the Adjudication Conflagration discussion board:
Ok guys, correction on this one.

There was apparently some additional information given out at Worlds when I wasn't around.

The 0 vs 0 does not destroy was applied at Worlds, but it won't be applied at other events. Currently the rulebook supports monsters being destroyed, so the monsters are destroyed.

I have inadverntantly contributed to some confusion here, and I'm absolutely sorry for that. Color my face red :)
While the rationale for this move eludes me, it is the ruling that we're forced to work with...for now anyway.
Remember players, the game ends with you.


  1. Did you just made a pun?XD

  2. Well there's not much we can do TBH...... except color Julia face red =D
    I call blue marker

  3. In the OCG, 0ATK means no Battle Damage done.
    In the TCG, 0ATK means 0 Damage done.

    See the difference? Its very subtle but in the OCG, no battle damage done(eg. reducing a monster like Parsath to 0ATK) will not trigger "when battle damage is dealt" effects, whilst in the TCG it will.

    And on the topic, 0 Battle damage to both monsters = neither monster took any battle damage, and hence neither monster is destroyed.

  4. I'm afraid it's not that simple. For one thing, Parshath needs to inflict Battle Damage to draw a card BOTH in the OCG and TCG.

    In the rulebook is clearly states that if 2 monster with the same attack battle one another, both will be destroyed. The way I see it is that if the TCG were to use the OCG method, Konami should really update the rulebook and mention that little detail.
