It happens to a lot of players, usually around months before the upcoming format's banlist is revealed. There are many symptoms associated with the condition, but most focused on a decreased interest in the playing/trading and a urge to call it quits.
Why is this? Well, I'm no psychology expert but the reason most likely is due to a sense of foreboding. Players don't like it when they work hard to build a deck that turns out to be destroyed by the following formats banlist.
Back in the September 2009 format, I perfected a Monarch variant I called Level Control Monarchs, which utilized both Tragoedia and Level Eater to generate infinite tribute fodder. I was devastated when I learned that Tragoedia was limited to 1 in the March 2010 banlist. Even now, although I've altered my deck's build to function with Battle Fader and Oracle of the Sun instead of Tragoedia, I possess great fear that Fader will get hit by September's list due to its immense popularity in the current meta.
Banlist discussions I've often found to be quite pointless as players tend to be a bit melodramatic with their arguments. Besides Konami can be quite unpredictable with some of their choices. Those who wish to act on assumptions can be my guests, but I think I'd rather wait and see how things make their turn.
Remember players, the game ends with you.
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